Osteopath & Sport Scientist

Aaron is a hands-on practitioner following the philosophy of structure influencing function. He uses manual medicine techniques to improve the posture and movement of his patients.

Qualifications and Memberships

Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science) Distinction
Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathic Science) Distinction
McGill Method (Back Rehabilitation) Level 1, 2 and 3
Member Australian Osteopathic Association

Aaron is a University trained Osteopath and Sport Scientist. Graduating with a Sport Science degree from the University of Ballarat in 1995, he commenced further study in 2001 graduated as an Osteopath from RMIT University in 2005.

Aaron believes in early intervention for optimal results and works closely with athletes and patients pre and post surgery and shortly after accidents. He is experienced in treating both acute and chronic sporting injuries.

Aaron has travelled extensively to further his Osteopathic education and has completed further work and study in the USA, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, South Korea, England, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Fiji and Canada.

In 2018 Aaron studied in Vancouver under Stuart McGill and is McGill Back Rehabilitation Certificate Level 1, 2 and 3 certified. The McGill Method is considered the gold standard of spinal rehabilitation exercise.

A career highlight for Aaron was working within the High Performance Unit of the Australian Track Cycling team for a one year period leading up to the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

Aaron works at the Bendigo Quarry Hill Clinic he established in 2013 during the week and the Prahran satellite clinic a few weekends each month.